Become a Supporter of BeMedWise

Become a BeMedWise Program supporter and get involved with health and medicine education initiatives. Becoming a supporter is open to organizations committed to providing patients, consumers and caregivers with useful health information and education, including:

  • Consumer organizations, patient advocacy groups, and voluntary health agencies;
  • Organizations representing healthcare professionals and health educators;
  • Schools of pharmacy, medicine, nursing and allied health professions;
  • Local, state, and federal government agencies;
  • Health-related trade associations;
  • National and international for-profit companies including pharmaceutical manufacturers, patient information/database companies, managed care organizations, and communication/public relations firms.

Learn about the benefits of being a BeMedWise Supporter by contacting Carla Dellaporta, Director of User Engagement at Carla will work with you to create a customized benefits package for your organization.

BeMedWise Program at NeedyMeds is a public charity exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our federal tax ID number is 46-3091990. Contributions to BeMedWise may be tax-deductible; check with your tax advisor. For questions, please email or call (978) 281-6666.