Educate Kids and Communities

Resources to combat medicine abuse, drug abuse, and other substance abuse

To prevent kid drug abuse, a growing epidemic, BeMedWise developed a series of toolkits and resources, in collaboration with the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):

A community workshop toolkit that provides slide decks, info sheets, and talking points for teen influencers. Teen influencers refers to (parents, teachers, coaches, community leaders, healthcare providers. These resources will educate these individuals and their communities about the dangers of medicine abuse. Also, it offers useful prevention strategies.

A guide for parents – talk to your teen

Resources to enable and encourage parents to help prevent kid drug abuse. Unfortunately, this is a growing trend among teens.

Resource kit for college campuses 

A toolkit to provide peer educators and campus leaders, residence assistants, peer health educators, student government, Greek life or campus clubs, and athletic teams among others—with timely and practical informational resources and program ideas to educate college students about prescription drug misuse/abuse prevention and treatment.

A comprehensive online guide which provides a national directory of organizations involved in combatting medicine abuse and organizes resources into four categories: awareness, prevention, treatment and recovery.