Prevent Prescription Medicine Abuse Toolkits

Alcohol abuse still tops the list of substance abuse issues on college campuses. Yet, the use of prescription drugs is a serious problem. Most notably, this includes stimulants, sedatives, pain relievers, and antidepressants. Simply put, this kit helps raise awareness and prevent prescription medicine abuse for college students. Particularly, there are handouts for campus leaders. This includes residence assistants, student government leaders, Greek life, or athletic team captains. Furthermore, the kit has information about how to prevent prescription medicine abuse and learn about treatment. Of course, it also offers ways to take action against it.

This workshop is for teen influencers. For example, teen influencers can be parents, grandparents, teachers, and coaches. This resource provides information about the problem of prescription drug abuse by teens and how to prevent it.

These resources encourage parents to talk to their teens about preventing prescription medicine abuse. The information is in both English and Spanish.

This guide has resources for four categories. These categories are prescription drug abuse awareness, prevention, treatment, and recovery. You can find information for individuals and health care professionals. Also, you can find helpful resources for communities. Furthermore, it lists nonprofits and federal agencies with resources on drug abuse and addiction is included. 

* Produced by NCPIE per Task Order HHSP233200900422P, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Additional support provided by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation.