
Learn about prescription drug abuse prevention. This information can help keep you, your family, and your community healthy by deterring intentional abuse and unintentional misuse of prescription drugs.

Here you will find a range of resources from leading advocacy groups/nonprofit organizations and federal agencies that offer information on prescription drug abuse prevention.

Above the Influence

  • is a web site designed for teens to help them understand the negative pressures and influences around them and how to stand up to them.

Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition

Web site offers a variety of resources about how to use medicines containing acetaminophen appropriately and to help change behaviors that could lead to an unintentional acetaminophen overdose.

Administration for Aging (AOA) Administration for Community Living

  • American Medicine Chest Challenge
    Website offers checklists, videos, and news about safely storing medication, and related topics about preventing prescription drug abuse.

American Pharmacists Association

Editorial in special pain section of PharmacyToday, Sept. 1, 2013

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America

This series consists of seven publications, each covering one element of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Strategic Prevention Framework.

Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse, Columbia University (CASAColumbia)

Web site offers information about screening tools, addiction, interventions and resources specific to addiction and teens.

National Council on Aging Center for Healthy Aging

Screening and Brief Interventions (SBI) is an evidence-based program to prevent and intervene early for alcohol and medication misuse for older adults at risk. This webinar presents the steps involved in SBI.

National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE)

Downloadable handouts for peer educators and campus leaders to educate college students about prescription drug abuse prevention.

Workshop module designed to educate and equip teen influencers—parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, community and school-based health care providers with strategies for confronting and preventing teen prescription drug abuse.

Campaign features educational messages in English and Spanish encouraging parents to talk to their teens about preventing prescription medicine abuse.

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Research Report Series fact sheet presents key information on types of drugs and prevention strategies.

Web site dedicated to teen prescription drug abuse prevention includes multiple resources, including materials to engage teens.

Office of National Drug Control Policy

Details action the current White House is taking to confront opioid abuse in America and a list of more information and resources.

Web site offers resources and links to prescription drug abuse prevention strategies.

Offers details about the most current national drug control strategy; includes overview of prescription painkiller drug abuse prevention.

Learn about the White House’s approach to the current drug crisis and campaigns, including the Drug-Free Communities Support Program, a federal grant program provides funding to community-based coalitions. that organize to prevent youth substance use.

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

Presents the facts from A-Z about teens and prescription drug abuse prevention.

Includes a video, a discussion guide, and programs for individuals and organizations concerned about preventing prescription drug abuse.

Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority

and recommending solutions that promote patient safety facilities providing medical care or services. Tools available for opioid medication safety are: Opioid Knowledge Self-Assessment (health care providers), and Organization Assessment of Safe Opioid Practices (health care settings).

Prescribe to Prevent

  • Prescribe Naloxone, Save a Life
    Web site for health care professionals interested in learning about naloxone and how to prescribe and dispense it. FAQs, patient education, community resources, and research information about naloxone also are available from the web site.

Patient Evaluation Resources for Opioid Risk Management (PERFORM)

  • Web site designed for health care professionals; provides information on how to assess the risk of medication abuse in patients on short- or long-term opioid therapy. Developed by Purdue Pharma L.P.

Project Lazarus: Community-based Overdose Prevention and Opioid Safety with
Community Care of North Carolina

  • The Project Lazarus web site provides information about preventing drug overdoses and meeting the needs of individuals living with chronic pain to communities seeking to build prescription drug abuse prevention programs.

PROTECT Initiative

Educational program reminds parents and caregivers how to protect children and keep medicines and vitamins out of reach.

Purdue Pharma

Developed by Purdue Pharma, which manufacturers two of three opioid formulations available with abuse deterrent properties, TeamAgainstOpioidAbuse aims to educate healthcare providers and patients about abuse-deterrent opioid-based technology.

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)

  • Web site offers resources for peer-to-peer education, prevention, and activism for teens and parents, including contracts for life.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)

Fact sheet for parents explaining the dangers and warning signs of prescription drug abuse. Materials developed with the National Council on Patient Information and Education for specific age groups and for health care providers.

Downloadable brochure advises educators how to talk with their students about the abuse of prescription drugs and its dangers.

Advises health care providers on screening questions to ask teen and adult patients about possible misuse of prescription drugs.

Brochure for college students outlines how to use prescription medication responsibly

Poster encourages youth to make smart decisions about their medications by recognizing the risks of prescription drug abuse and using medications responsibly. Includes resources to learn more and to find treatment.


See the Directory to find out more about the organizations and web sites committed to educating the public about prescription drug abuse.